Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood soundtrack 1 artwork
Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood soundtrack 1 artwork

fullmetal alchemist brotherhood soundtrack 1 artwork

There are actually two Gates though, and sitting in front of the other one is Al’s body. He hears the thanks of one of the souls as the transmute goes through, and the next thing Ed realizes, he’s in front of the Gate.

fullmetal alchemist brotherhood soundtrack 1 artwork

Envy asserts that those souls can’t return to being human, and Ed has no choice but to use them. He’s also willing to offer up some the Xerxes souls attached to him as the toll for opening the Gate, and he correctly guesses that Ed sympathizes with them because he wants to believe Al, who is also only a soul, is human as well. Before he does this though, he confronts Envy about what happened to the people of Xerxes because he’s realized that they all disappeared to create a Philosopher’s Stone.Įnvy doesn’t deny it, but he refuses to tell Ed who’s behind it or what the plan is for Amestris until after they escape. His idea is to transmute himself, thereby disassembling and reconstructing himself, and that would open the Gate and allow them to escape back to the real world. Ed realized that the pieces are all from Xerxes and match the one he saw when he was there, and what’s drawn on it is a human transmutation circle. Back in the world inside of Gluttony, Ed has Envy gather all the pieces of a stone mural. Mustang thinks that Wrath could still live as a human, but Wrath is prideful of being a Homunculus. He was the one who survived the process of combining a Philosopher’s Stone with a human body, so he became the country’s leader. Meanwhile, Wrath tells Mustang of his past being raised in a facility with the other candidates to become Fuhrer. What bothers May Chang is that she senses something bad underneath them, but it’s not more Chimera, it’s a person. She and Scar follow them down, but whereas Al and Gluttony are able to get through without incident, Scar and May Chang have to fight wave after wave of Chimera guards. Back in the real world, May Chang has been looking for Shao May and manages to find the panda going underground with Al and Gluttony. He figures out a way to get out of this world, and he uses this fact to get Envy to release him. Inside of Envy, Ed regains consciousness near the Homunculus’ Philosopher’s Stone, and seeing it allows him to make a sudden realization. After getting slammed into the ground, he ends up getting eaten by Envy. The fight against Envy proves to be difficult, and Ed has a hard time fighting something that has individual souls on it asking for his help.

Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood soundtrack 1 artwork